The Blue Roses are the bruises you get along the way, the ones who make you stronger, the ones who are part of who you are...
It’s a long way to find yourself, another long one to be able to reveal yourself, without fear or shame, just the way you want to be.
This school is covering 2 areas:
1 – The Performer School:
You want to be a professional artist and need some help (performance concept, costume design & creation, character development, story telling, training, selling strategy, advertising, …):
My team and I can answer a lot of your questions and develop your talents in the direction you wish.
Be aware:
It’s a lot of work and training, it does not come easy but it’s also fun!
Our teachers are all professionnal artists, some from the Legendary Blue Rose Ibiza, some others are just part of our extended travelling family.
2 – The Femme School:
The classes are designed for TS-TV-TG women, wherever they just started to find their way or they are already at it for some times.
It is not easy to be a self-confident woman, even if you are born female, so we're providing help in a lot of ways, starting with the appearance but also working on what's inside...
Actually, if you have found yourself, we’d be happy to have you as a kind of Godmother for our students, to share your experience with us. In the tradition of the American Ballroom Scene, the House of Blue Rose is a new home, where you can built your own family, share everything and count on each other.
“Self-confidence is like a long warm coat, that you just need to decide to put on today!”
If you have any questions, just write or call me!
Don’t be shy, the 1st step is the hardest…